Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson reacts to age-defying Singaporean model Chuando Tan

3 weeks ago 24

American millionaire Bryan Johnson, 47, has gained notoriety in recent years for his well-documented attempts to stop ageing. The founder of multiple tech companies, Johnson has undergone gene therapy and embarks on a daily regimen that sees him waking up at 4.30am, having his last meal at 11am, and sleeping by 8.30pm.

Johnson claims that, as a result of his endeavours, his speed of ageing is slower than 99 per cent of 20-year-olds and his “nighttime erections” that last 179 minutes are “better than the average 18-year-old”.

Johnson's stats as listed on his website. (Photo: Blueprint Bryan Johnson)

So how would a person who's spent millions to chase the fountain of youth react to a man who's arguably achieved that at a fraction of its cost aka viral Singaporean model Chuando Tan?

During a recent episode of the self-improvement podcast More Plates, More Dates, Bryan Johnson was shown pictures and videos of Tan, and was asked to give his thoughts on the 58-year-old model who famously went viral for his age-defying looks.

Johnson revealed that he was supposed to meet Tan during a recent trip to Singapore but "didn't get a chance" to do so.

He added: "[People] look at [Chuando Tan] and then they see the headline '[Bryan Johnson] is spending US$2 million a year' and they conclude 'Well [Johnson] should look like [Tan] in one year's time'. I don't blame people because they have no idea what the biological principles are of ageing and what you can get in return for that money."

Johnson also said that it would "be cool" to see Tan undergo the same biological marker tests as him to see if his insides "are as pristine as what his appearance is at that age".

However, Johnson also said that Tan and his youthful looks are "promising" and "encouraging".

"Biology is capable of the things we're asking it to be, and we're just trying to sort it out."

In a 2023 interview with CNA, Chuando Tan spoke about his viral fame and shared that the secret to looking young was all about “what you do, what you eat, and what you think”.

“The activities that you do during the day should be equal to the calories that you burn during that day – as simple as that. And the amount of food that you consume during the day is equal to the calories that you put in your body," said Tan.

"You know, every time we hear people say that you look very good today, you’ll look happy. Isn't it good if we can psyche ourselves to have that mindset, to have a positive, healthy, young thinking? I think through a period of time, that feeling will eventually become you."

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